Monday, 28 July 2014

Vollie Day 15: Warm Trees

This was a fun and quiet morning, with the company of another guide.  I gave two small tours to some people who couldn't walk very far, and we were able to find things to talk about while sitting inside the windows, looking out over the auditorium.

The warm trees exhibition is up too, here's something from the ABC about it:


Sunday, 6 July 2014

Vollie Day 14: Yarn bombing

I forgot to write about last week: not many tours to do as I had a fellow vollie also walking the floor, but I had a lot of fun looking after some kids whose folks had run out of ways to entertain them.  We tried to magic-fix the busted interactive map (no that doesn't work) and then I made up a kids-version tour, which is like the adults tour but with more gross stories.

This week I had a guiding shift in the morning, when I talked two groups into getting out into the forests and they pretended that they actually might (good of them).  We also have a school holidays activity running to get kids to knit some scarves and put some French knitting together: in a couple of weeks we'll yarn-bomb a couple of forests and use the French knitting that the kids do to decorate the playground.

Bless em